Halobetasol Propionate Cream

Halobetasol Propionate Cream 0.5% w/w

Halobetasol Propionate Cream

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Halobetasol Propionate Cream is the composition of the medication belonging to the brand HEXOVATE CREAM which is used for treating skin problems including psoriasis, eczema, etc. The problems of the skin including the redness, itching, irritation, etc caused due to psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, etc are cured with the help of this medication. Due to the cause of itching, redness, etc the skin becomes swollen and makes an allergic reaction.

The composition of Halobetasol Propionate Cream helps in treating the skin problems which are caused due to psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis. The medication helps in releasing the chemicals which affect the skin by causing itching, redness, or swelling. With the help of the medication the redness, itching, or swelling of the skin is reduced, The person gets comfortable after applying the cream to the infected area.

Uses of Halobetasol Propionate Cream
As a steroid, the composition of the cream treats the swelling, redness, or irritation that occurs due to psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis. After the application of the cream on the infected area the chemicals which affects the skin is reduced. The person suffering from the skin, dry patches, etc can take the help of the composition of this cream. The medication helps in opening the cells of the skin and helps the skin to get cured the itching, irritation, etc.

Directions For Use
For the best use of the cream, the person is advised to wash his hand properly before applying it to the infected area. The person is advised to apply an equal amount of cream on the infected area as advised by the doctor.

Side Effects Of Halobetasol Propionate Cream
After the application of the cream to the infected area, the following are the side effects that can occur :

• Stretch marks
• Burning or the stinging sensation at the infected site
• Headache

Precautions To Be Taken
It is best to consider the following precautions to avoid the adverse effects of the medication :

• Children below the age of 12 years are advised not to apply the cream as some negative effects can occur.
• If the person has open wounds then he is advised not to apply the cream without consulting the doctor.
• If the cream comes in contact with the eyes then the person is advised to rinse his eyes with water immediately.
• Before the application of the cream, the pregnant woman is advised to consult the doctor and should undergo the treatment only if recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can the person suffering from diabetes apply Halobetasol Propionate Cream?
Before the application of the cream, the person is advised to inform the doctor if he is suffering from diabetes as the interaction of the cream with the anti-diabetic medication is possible.

2. Can the person apply the composition of the cream to his face?
It is advised to avoid the application of the cream on the face as the negative effects could occur. If the person faces any difficulty then it is best to consult the doctor.

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